Wednesday 12 July 2017

An Introduction to the News

The News as many people know it is the outlet in which we all gain more information about the world and our own country, however the news we receive is based on wow we watch and what we search for.

What I watched;
BBC News
World News
ABC news
CBS news

EU Aftermath
Johnson: EU's exit bill demand 'extortionate'
Contaminated Blood inquiry
Work Practise Review
16 dead in military plane crash in Mississippi
Cracking down on 'snortable chocolate'
Police reveal death of U.S man in Greece
Pipe bomb explodes at Air force centre


Presenters are required to present local or global news through in a non-bias neutral view so that the news itself remains unbiased and fair. In addition their opinion can effect the viewer base and even the network they represent, through the news anyone can learn facts and recent updates so they need to take care with what they say and how they say it in order not to offend or confuse the viewers. While some news would allow for some emotion such as a story about a murder caught other subjects such as a conflict or dispute between two sides would need to be focused on the overall story rather than the bad or good sides of each group (With exceptions of radicalisation).

News ordering

This refers to the order in which the news is presented for example; once all of the news for the month or day is received/collected they are required to put together an acceptable order most likely extreme to less extreme or calm to heated events. This is called running order. Ideally news about major cities or war and terrorism are shown first to generate a pull to the story line up. This is due to the content being associated with negative emotions such as sadness or anger which in turn simulate the viewer to continue watching. For the in-between the middle section of stories is most likely going to be about recent changes in politics and even some in education, afterwards a calming story would be presented as the previous topics were engaging but extremes such topics would include stories about children achieving a goal, animals doing something funny or even an upcoming event.

However sometimes it may be a slow news day in which nothing majorly important has happened or there are no updates on the larger stories such as war or laws, in this situation it is common for the news order to be given filler stories which are just stand-ins until something major happens these stories are usually about small changes in politics or even events in small towns which would have no large effect on the viewers lives. Lastly the Ace-in-the-hole is the final segment within the news ordering, this piece is kept till last as it is most likely giving a nice ending to a saddening and depressing Newsday.

News Values
Guideline used by many news outlets are news values, which are used for newspapers/broadcasted media to categorise how much attention should be given to specific stories. News values are essential to understanding how news production works from the choices made by editors and other decisions which determine what is news and what is not news. According to Harold Evans who previously work as a Times and Sunday Times editor  A news story is about necessary information and unusual events and should be based on observable facts while remaining an unbiased account also being free from the reporter's opinion.

An example of this I can think of would be reports on infamous individuals  such as Donald Trump or even Theresa may for in American news reporting some stations come under fire for popular but hate message reports on the current president of the USA in addition while lesser hate is spread for Theresa may many interviewees or even reports will express themselves verbally or non-verbally in a manner which would breach Harold Evans guidelines.

Bias in News
The world of news today is quite shifted as some stories such as mentions above will be deemed an attack or even 'fake news' which leads to select stories such as dirt or negative information on powerful hated figures to be deemed extremely newsworthy due to the hate generating more revenue.

Selected Bias

Many stories will be picked to be shown to the public as it has a sort of gossip factor. The public will react sourly or even violently depending on the revealed situation, as always there are two sides to each story yet unfortunately some news outlets will only show one half unless the other half of the story is found by another source as it generate the gossip factor bringing in more views and leaning the audience to a hateful state of mind for example a story could be about an abusive parent focused on how the parent has done horrible things yet there is obviously a cause for things such as stress or special conditions yet these are overlooked for shock value.

Placement Bias

This type of Bias is exclusively for the news outlet to decide as they can choose weather or not the story is important enough to be shown when and where. This amount of influence should not be taken lightly as although changing the time the story is told may not seem like a huge impact but the can use the story order to ram up emotions for the story for example if you were to watch a negative piece and after a difficult to decide situation piece comes up your choice won't be logically thought out you'll be in a negative mind-set and possibly make a snap decision on what you believe is right or wrong.

Imagery Bias

Showing a story with negative captions or camera angles such as mugshots or close-ups give you a look into who or what is being shown. For example if a man was arrested for crashing his car and it was a slow news day the news outlet could potentially make his public opinion worse, this could be done by showing him at a unattractive angle or showing text such as negative quotes from people who know him or even local opinion gently pushing a negative image to the man.

Title Bias

Title Bias is one of the most used bias around as any event could give anyone a title many times people who risk their lives to help others are given a nice title like hero or brave but many cases the news can give people negative titles that stick with them for the rest of their lives for example news outlets who do reports on crime have often talked about hoodies or thugs, Hoodies not only lows the people down to a specific piece of clothing that identifies them as a criminal or someone bad but also shows hoodies in a negative light. When calling someone a name or giving them a title the news isn't just giving them a fancy show they give them that title for life because people remember the news.

Personal Opinion Bias

While rarely seen in the news today and occasionally on CNN the reporters can give their own personal opinion on many things such as small sorties with thieves or even larger stories to do with politic figures. This while rare is the most damaging type of bias as the news network gives a voice to it's bias, the reporter is given a get away because they are part of the news station which creates a bigger problem because then most stories become opinionated and controlled to increase public backlash and even target a specific viewer group.

Conclusion of the News

Overall I believe the news has come a long way and still has a longer road ahead because after all the information we've gathered people still wish to implement their own opinion into the public because everyone has their own thoughts and desires for the world, I'm calling the media or the news out for using false information deliberately however controlled news is a problem in recent years as it promotes a single way of thinking. Ideally I would prefer if news remained frees and we be given both sides of the story not just for large stories like terrorism or immigration but even small ones just to shed some light on what the real world is actually like.

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