Tuesday 1 November 2016


We’re going to create a 90 second shot film for depict. The film we would like to create is a humorous zombie apocalypse video; a guide demonstrating all of the ways you can die other than being eaten by a zombie. We would like to make it an ironically low budget film for comedic effect. Throughout we plan to have a zombie standing in the background without having any impact on the story. It will be a compilation of short snappy shots which will show each death. For example tetanus from standing on a nail or long term illness. 

This is a group-made proposal for our 90 second short film which we will be developing over a few weeks.

Monday 17 October 2016

Low budget film making

This is the trailer for the 1999 movie The Blair Witch Project, during a lesson we were tasked with watching and noting down aspects of low budget film making during the full film.

 The film Blair Witch project had a budget of 60,000 US dollars and this in comparison of most budgets films are given is a pale example.

 The aspects I noticed where; The small number of actors involved, The main characters two boys and one girl are seen throughout the whole movie while minor characters have a short scene each and are not seen again these characters are used for exposition in the story which ultimately would keep the costs low and help push the theme of this being a documentary of the main antagonist the Blair witch. This is used cleverly to push the story along and cut costs as this minor actors would of been people hired in the local area or family members/friends of the producers.

The equipment isn't state of the art and all that seemed to be used were a black and white camera and a handheld color camera which again would benefit the production costs because less equipment costs and less risk assessments to location and equipment, however this does reduce the quality of the recording as video-grain can be noticed and in some parts (I'm unsure weather if it was to be realistic) the lens was dirty or scratched.

The audio quality wasn't perfect because of the location the filming took place out in the woods so ambiance was quite good however they surely would of had to take multiple takes of difference scenes till they were uninterrupted and also if any equipment was damaged they would have to replace it quickly and because of their location while multiple people may of been nearby during filming you wouldn't have unlimited resources available.

Overall I didn't much like The Blair Witch Project but it's just my personal view that it wasn't very well done.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Induction Assignment Reflection

This video is titled Change of hands and has no dialogue, the goal was to create a piece of work showing different shots such as; Extreme close-ups, Point of View shots, establishing shots, match on action shots and even short reverse shots. I think this project went quite well because of my group, Samuel did a great job filming and Callum and Sam also did a great job acting although while recording I believe we may have looked at the camera during paning shots a few times and as a bit of personal criticism I think I messed up a few times before I could get the hand of it, being in the first shot was quite difficult as I wasn't sure if I went over the top speeding up my pace in the first few shots. I'm a bit worried the piece was too long but overall I think we made a good piece of media.